
Philip Jennings

“Much enjoyed the evolving lives of the characters and can relate to the untold history of Bath amidst settings so familiar.”

From the Noticeboard

January 2025 From the author’s desk…

7 January, 2025 in From the author's desk

THE OLD AND ONLY WAY OF QUALIFYING Ian’s learning curve in Mulholland’s office was steep and exhausting. As the only junior in the Investment Department he was at the beck…

December 2024 From the author’s desk…

12 December, 2024 in From the author's desk

STAFF WELFARE IN 1959… John Mulholland had his Financial Times spread across the desk. His morning ritual always started with a check on his shares’ closing prices on the previous…


‘Another enthralling chapter in this tale of Bath, during a period of dramatic change and development.’

Roger Palmer

‘Westcott blows away the myth that Bath is the graveyard of ambition.’

Patrick McCloy

‘A great yarn. Douglas Westcott is a natural storyteller who very successfully weaves Bath’s history into a page turning tale.’

Michael Symons

‘As a Bathonian born and bred, I enjoyed reading these clever novels, particularly the historical detail of Bath – so successfully and accurately portrayed.’

Linda Turner

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