
Spotlight: What’s Making the News in Bath

19 May, 2014 in News

Following the recent success of hardback novel Go Swift and Far, it’s author, the Bath-based Gordon Bloor, launched his paperback version last month at the Theatre Royal’s 1805 Rooms.

Attendees included the Mayor of Bath, and the real-life citizens of Bath who featured in the book. Cecil Weir of Julian House was also invited to receive a donation of £2500 for the charity; after Gordon pledged late last year that £1 from each hardback sold would be donated.

Gordon also announced that he has started writing the sequel to the book and aims to finish it for Christmas 2016.

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“A young man buffeted by world events is left reeling, but survives to build his own empire in Bath. The ancient city has seen it all and has her own cards to play...  Douglas Westcott writes from experience of the chaos of history, business, and wild passions in this gripping trilogy.”

Tom Craigmyle

‘Westcott blows away the myth that Bath is the graveyard of ambition.’

Patrick McCloy

‘I loved this book. Full of fascinating history, very exciting and I look forward to the sequel.’

Sarah Lewis

“Westcott burnishes his well won reputation as the  Grand Master of intrigue with this much anticipated sequel to acclaimed Go Swift and Far ; nothing less than brilliant as with the deft hand of an ancient god  he manoeuvres  the fate of the great and  less than good of Bath across the chess board of life. Check mate; but who wins …..”

Patrick McCloy

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