Go Swift and Far

Go Swift and Far

A Novel of Bath

Born in the wartime German raids on Bath in the Spring of 1942, an orphan boy, alone and destitute, is determined to survive. The city is immersed in a cycle of greed, abuse of privilege, corruption and demolition as it struggles out of post-war gloom and austerity. Demolish and rebuild or preserve and protect at all costs? The boy, now a man, is bent on success and wealth, whatever the personal sacrifice and cost to England’s finest Georgian city.

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Valley Spring Press

Publication Date
November 25, 2013


Formats Available
Paperback, eBook

“A colourful and richly textured story worthy of this unique city”

Matthew H. Jacobs – Hampton, New Hampshire USA

“Much enjoyed the evolving lives of the characters and can relate to the untold history of Bath amidst settings so familiar.”

Philip Jennings

‘A great yarn. Douglas Westcott is a natural storyteller who very successfully weaves Bath’s history into a page turning tale.’

Michael Symons

“History, passion and big business – an awesome combination, powerfully written.”

Trish Traynor

‘Westcott blows away the myth that Bath is the graveyard of ambition.’

Patrick McCloy

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